About Me

A little information about me.

I’m living in Houston and currently working as a geophysicist for Schlumberger doing seismic data analysis. I created this website ages ago and just recently decided to revive it and start publishing things I do that other people may find interesting or useful.

A few things about me:

  • I have a masters degree in Physics, specializing in nuclear, from Texas A&M. This degree isn’t particularly applicable to my current job. Given a second chance, however, I would major in exactly the same thing.
  • I love backpacking, but Houston is not particularly well located for this hobby.
  • Fairly recently I purchased a new camera, so soon I expect this site will be overwhelmed with backpacking pictures.
  • I’m trying to learn spanish online, which means I’m becoming literate but can’t speak well at all
  • I love to cook and am always trying to develop new culinary skills. Jacques Pépin is my inspiration in this.
  • I enjoy tinkering with computers and technology. In all honesty this blog might have just been an excuse to play with Jekyll and Amazon S3.
  • I enjoy programming, and try to use it whenever I have an excuse. At work, I’d prefer to spend twice the time to automate something than it would have taken to do by hand.
  • I enjoy playing board games, but I have a hard time finding people who take them as serious as I do.

Anyway, feel free to contact me using any of the methods available below. I’m hoping to be hiking the Pacific Crest Trail this year, so don’t be offended if I take a while to respond to any comments.